04.10.2023 Autor Petri Rautiainen

Duża modernizacja śrutowni w Andritz Savonlinna Works

Pekotek Oy zaprojektował i zrealizował dużą modernizację śrutowni w ANDRITZ Savonlinna.

Pekotek Oy designed and implemented a large-scale modernization of the grit blasting system for ANDRITZ Savonlinna Works Oy. The previous production line, completed in 1989, no longer met the changed needs of production. The new Pekotek Non-waste grit blasting system was completed in June 2023.

In the modernized grit blasting system, Pekotek's patented air-assisted Non-Waste grit recycling and cleaning system was installed, as well as a new collection floor for collecting blasting materials. The air-assisted recycling system consumes less grit and keeps the grit clean and dry.

The Non-Waste system is simple in its operating principle, which makes it energy-efficient, sustainable and operationally reliable. In the Non-Waste system, several blasting materials can be used at the same time.

The load capacity of the new collection floor is 175 tons, which is the largest load capacity in Northern Europe. The bearing capacity was ensured by thorough strength calculations.

As a sub-project, Pekotek designed and implemented a non-ferritic aluminum oxide grit recycling system for Carelia Corro Oy, which operates surface treatment in the production facilities of ANDRITZ Savonlinna Works.

The aluminum oxide system replaced the old natural sand blasting system. With the aluminum oxide system, two different grits can be used in parallel, which improves operational efficiency. The aluminum oxide system is also an environmentally friendly solution.